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Mushroom soup with buckwheat

Mushroom soup with buckwheat

Ingredients List

  1. 150g Mushrooms
  2. 50g Buckwheat
  3. 4 tbs Vegetable Oil
  4. 40g Onion
  5. 2 cloves Garlic
  6. 1 Bay Leaf
  7. 1tbsp Vegetable Stock Cube
  8. 50 ml  Sour Cream
  9. Dash White Wine Vinegar
  10. Top Parsley

Chop the onion and garlic, slice the mushrooms and wash the buckwheat. Heat the oil and lightly sauté the onion. Add the mushrooms and the garlic and continue to sauté. Add the salt, vegetable seasoning, buckwheat and the bay leaf and cover with water. Simmer gently and just before it is completely cooked, add pepper, sour cream mixed with flour, the chopped parsley and vinegar to taste.

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